HC Deb 28 November 1980 vol 994 cc233-5W
Miss Richardson

asked the Attorney-General if he will list in the Official Report (a) the number of persons who have been refused an injunction under section 1 of the Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1976, (b) the number of injunctions granted with a power of arrest and without a power or arrest, (c) the number of injunctios granted in matrimonial proceedings with power of arrest attached, (d) the number of existing injunctions to which a power of arrest has been attached in

Table D.9. Family Matters. Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1976. Number of Injunctions granted and refused, Number of arrests made and persons conveyed to prison during 1979
Circuit Injunctions under section 1 Injunctions granted in matrimonial proceedings with power of arrest attached
Refused With power of arrest section 2 Without power of arrest
England and Wales 439 1,702 5,092 1,049
Midland and Oxford 119 284 1,048 134
North Eastern 23 58 723 50
Northern 50 112 602 42
South Eastern:
London 44 638 1,071 291
Provinces 104 437 913 379
Wales and Chester 9 79 189 92
Western 90 94 546 61

Circuit Power of arrest added to an existing injunction Number of arrests made section 2(5)
in matrimonial proceedings Under section 1 DV and MP Act 1976 Directions sought out of office hours Directions sought during office hours Number of persons committed to prison
England and Wales 131 112 155 365 119
Midland and Oxford 34 20 51 86 48
North Eastern 11 11 4 13 6
Northern 11 9 6 33 12
South Eastern:
London 8 20 18 64 28
Provinces 33 31 49 132 14
Wales and Chester 13 6 9 17 7
Western 21 15 18 20 4

Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1976—January-September 1980—(Provisional Figures)
Injunctions under section 1
Circuit Applications issued Withdrawn before hearing Refused With power of arrest section 2 Without power of arrest
England and Wales 5,126 361 219 1,203 3,725
Midland and Oxford 949 66 40 218 778
North Eastern 619 57 17 56 416
Northern 551 38 24 85 413
South Eastern:
London 962 54 50 419 916
Provinces 1,104 65 62 326 672
Wales and Chester 231 19 11 31 132
Western 710 62 15 68 398

matrimonial proceedings, (e) the number of arrests made under section 2(5), those where directions were sought during office hours, and those where direction were sought out of office hours and (f) the number of persons committed to prison; and if he will give the figures by region and, in the case of London, by court.

The Solictor-General

Since the answer given to the hon. Member on 5 July 1979, the final figures for 1979 have been published. These are set out in table 1. Provisional figures for January—September 1980 are set out in table 2. The figures in respect of the individual London courts will take some time to extract. I will see that they are conveyed to the hon. Member when they are available.

Circuit Injunctions granted in matrimonial proceedings with power of arrest attached Power of arrest added to an existing injunction Number of arrests made section 2(5)
in matrimonial proceedings Under section 1 DV and MP Act 1976 Directions sought out of office hours Directions sought during office hours Number of persons committed to prison
England and Wales 1,081 92 85 112 229 172
Midland and Oxford 98 23 13 14 51 34
North Eastern 24 6 13 6 13 20
Northern 46 7 9 3 22 27
South Eastern:
London 405 3 13 14 38 27
Provinces 362 23 16 45 62 38
Wales and Chester 70 23 6 10 23 11
Western 76 7 15 20 20 15