HC Deb 27 November 1980 vol 994 cc147-8W
Mr. Parry

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the number of job vacancies on Merseyside at the latest date; and how many there were in May 1979.

Mr. Jim Lester

I shall reply to the hon. Member as soon as possible.

Mr. Parry

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the latest figure for unemployed school leavers on Merseyside; and how this compares with other special development areas.

Mr. Jim Lester

At 9 October, the latest date for which unemployment figures are available for all special development areas, there were 8,245 school leavers under 18 years of age registered as unemployed in the Merseyside special development area. This compared with 23,275 in all other special development areas at the same date.

Mr. Parry

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the increase in unemployment in Merseyside since May 1979 to the latest available date; and what these figures mean in percentage terms.

Mr. Jim Lester

At 13 November 1980, the provisional number of people registered as unemployed in the Merseyside special development area was 102,680. This was 19,309, or 23 per cent., higher than the corresponding figure at 10 May 1979. The figures include school leavers, numerically greater in November than in May. Moreover, they are not adjusted for seasonal influences, which normally lead to unemployment being higher in November than May. Additionally, the figures are not strictly comparable because of the introduction, in September 1979, of fortnightly attendance and payment of benefit. Estimates of this effect are not available below regional level, but for the country as a whole the monthly unemployment figures from October 1979 are about 20,000, or 1½ per cent., higher than under weekly attendance.

Mr. Parry

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many workers are working short time on Merseyside at the latest available date.

Mr. Jim Lester

During the week ended 13 September there were 62,200 operatives on short time working, either for the whole or part of the week, in the North-West region. Information for parts of regions is not available. The information relates only to operatives in manufacturing industries.

Mr. Parry

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what plans he has to increase job prospects for the unskilled unemployed on Merseyside.

Mr. Jim Lester

I shall reply to the hon. Member, as soon as possible.

Mr. Parry

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will make a statement on the latest unemployment figures on Merseyside.

Mr. Jim Lester

At 13 November 1980, the provisional number registered as unemployed in the Merseyside special development area was 102,680. This includes school leavers and is not adjusted for seasonal variation.

I fully accept that these figures are far too high, and the Government remain committed to doing all they can to reduce the current level of unemployment on Merseyside. Our determination is reflected in my right hon. Friend's recent announcement that an extra £250 million is to be allocated to the 1981–82 programme of special measures to help the unemployed, from which Merseyside can be expected to benefit substantially. Priority is being given to young people fresh from school. Merseyside will, of course, also continue to be eligible for the highest levels of regional assistance.

In the longer term, however, prospects on Merseyside, as elsewhere in the country, are dependent upon our success in the battle against inflation.

Mr. Parry

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the latest number of unemployed construction workers on Merseyside to the latest available date; what is the percentage; and how these figures compare with other special development areas.

Mr. Jim Lester

At 14 August, the latest date for which an industrial analysis of the unemployed is available, there were 12,371 registered unemployed people in the Merseyside special development area who last worked in the construction industry. This figure represented 12.0 per cent. of all unemployed in the area. The corresponding figures for all other special development areas were 39,194 and 13.4 per cent. respectively.