HC Deb 13 November 1980 vol 992 cc423-4W
Mr. Stallard

asked the Secretary of State for Social Service (1) what is the number of prescription dispensed to pensioners per annum for the last five years.

Mr. Foulkes

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the average number of prescriptions dispensed per pensioner per year for the last five years.

Sir George Young

As NHS prescription forms do not carry information about a person's pensionable status, the information below, which is not available in this form for the period before 1977, refers only to prescription forms which carry an exemption from prescription charges on the grounds of a person's age (women aged 60 and over, men aged 65 and over):

Year with total prescriptions dispensed to persons over pensionable age
1977 100 million
1978 104.9 million
1979 107.2 million

On this basis the average number of prescriptions dispensed per person of pensionable age is as follows:

1977 11.7
1978 12.2
1979 12.5

These figures are based on a 1 in 200 sample of prescriptions dispensed by retail pharmacists, drug stores and appliance contractors in England.