HC Deb 23 May 1980 vol 985 c477W
Dr. Roger Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Wales, further to a reply given by the Under-Secretary of State, Official Report 15 May, column 560, in the light of the representations he has received concerning the publication " Patients First ", how many (a) were in favour and (b) opposed the setting up on a regional structure, (c) were in favour and (d) opposed the continuance of community health councils, (e) were in favour and (f) opposed a district tier of administration rather than an area tier as is included in the Health Services Bill for England, (g) were in favour and (h) opposed the total integration of family practitioner committees within the area or district tier of administration and (z) were in favour and (J) opposed the Welsh Office continuing its present role in the health administration of the Principality.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

The representations are still being examined. They cover a wide range of issues and opinions and do not lend themselves to simple analysis in the categories suggested by the hon. Member. To attempt to do so would in any event be misleading since the statistics would give no indication of the weight of argument in each case nor the numbers of individuals who might be concerned with a single representation. Our considered response to these representations will be made in due course.