HL Deb 01 May 1980 vol 408 cc1505-7WA
The Earl of GOSFORD

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether, when over 200 buildings in Covent Garden were listed in 1972, the inside of the first floor of the Jubilee Hall was inspected.


In common with the Department's normal practice only the exteriors of buildings were examined in the 1972 survey of the Covent Garden area. However, the interior of Jubilee Hall was inspected in 1977.

The Earl of GOSFORD

asked Her Majesty's Government:

  1. (i) What level of grant aid has been provisionally allocated by the Sports Council towards the provision of the suggested indoor sports centre on the Jubilee Flail site, Covent Garden;
  2. (ii) what is the financial commitment of the Westminster City Council to the proposed redevelopment; and
  3. (iii) what proportion of the housing costs in the GLC schemes will come from Housing Association funds.


I understand that the Sports Council is willing to grant-aid the fitting out and management of an indoor sports centre on the Jubilee Hall site. It is too early at this stage to say what this level of grant-aid will be. The City of Westminster have a firm commitment to inject capital into the site, but I understand the City Council are not yet in a position to finalise the financial details of the proposed redevelopment as they involve the council. No approach has been made to the Department of Environment concerning Housing Association involvement in the proposed redevelopment.

The Earl of GOSFORD

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many representations have been received by the Department of the Environment regarding the future of the Jubilee Hall, Covent Garden, and how many of these have requested the retention or listing of the existing Jubilee Hall.


Under present staff constraints it is not feasible to review all the many letters received about Jubilee Hall in the last year or so. It is known that most of them ask for the building to be listed or retrained.