HC Deb 14 March 1980 vol 980 cc773-5W
Mr. Trotter

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when he expects to complete his consideration of the proposals made by the White Fish Authority for the restructuring of the fishing industry; when the proposals were made to his Department; and what consultations he has carried out so far.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

Proposals were submitted by the chairman of the White Fish Authority, on behalf of an industry

country offer prices used by the Commission to determine rates of import levy applicable on 16 February 1980 are taken as current world prices. Information on which to base similar estimates for 1970 is not, however, readily available. The following table gives the information which is available.

working party, to the previous Administration in December 1978. The Government consider that decisions relating to the future structure of the fleet can best be taken in the context of a settlement of the common fisheries policy.

Mr. Robert Hughes

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he is now in a position to announce a package of financial assistance to the fishing industry.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

I refer the hon. Member to the statement which my right hon. Friend made to the House yesterday.

Sir Walter Clegg

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how the schemes of aid to the United Kingdom fishing industry announced yesterday are to be financed.

Mr. Peter Walker

The payments to producer organisations will rest on the authority of the Estimates themselves and the confirming Appropriation Act. The cost of the schemes can be met under existing sub-heads and, pending the presentation in due course of Supplementary Estimates, expenditure may therefore be met from the Vote on Account. This will be supplemented, if necessary, by advances from the Contingencies Fund. Proposals to increase the departmental cash limits will be made accordingly.