HC Deb 04 March 1980 vol 980 cc126-8W
Mr. Best

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what was the total number of staff employed by the Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham area health authority at 31 March 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 and the latest available date; and, at each date, what was the total number of administrative and clerical staff and ancillary staff, respectively, what was the total expenditure for each category of staff, and the overall total; and what was the total expenditure of the area health authority.

Dr. Vaughan

The information available is set out below:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
Admin. and clerical Ancillary and Maintenance Total directly employed staff Admin. and clerical Ancillary and Maintenance Total directly employed staff Total expenditure of Authority
(£) (£) (£) (£)
1975–76 2,388.7 3,580.1 15,435.0 8,145,546 16,020,247 61,830,660 108,753,412
1976–77 2,742.6 5,261.0 18,181.2 9,848,062 19,222,083 73,260,831 119,874,857
1977–78 2,770.6 5,280.9 18,573.8 10,484,098 20,670,572 78,776,452 134,938,094
1978–79 2,683.6 5,179.9 18,568.1 11,525,243 22,581,777 86,305,495 148,119,387
1979–80 2,855.7 5,160.2 18,677.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A


Colu n(s)

(a)—(c) Show staff in post—(whole-time equivalent)—at 30 September of each financial year; figures for 31 March are not abailavle. Figures for staff in post in 1975–76 and 1976–77 are not directly cojparable with those for later years because of possible undercounting.

(d)—(f) Show salary and wage costs by category of staff for each financial year, commencing 1 April.

(g) Shows the authority's total expenditure, including expenditure on family practitioner services.

(c) Includes whole-time equivalents of hospital and community health medical staff except locums, hospital practitioners, part-time medical officers, clinical assistants, general medical practitioners participating in hospital staff funds and occasional secsional staff in community health service.

(a) & (d) Includes support staff managers.

(b) & (e) It is not possible to separate figures for ancillary staff from maintenance staff.


Staffing figures: Figures for total non-medical and dental staff, administrative and clerical staff and ancillary and maintenance staff for 1975, 1976 and 1979—South East Thames RHA. All other figures—DHSS.

Expenditure Figures: Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham AHA(T)'s annual accounts and financial returns.

As the staffing and expenditure figures derive from different sources they may not be directly comparable.