HL Deb 28 July 1980 vol 412 c714WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is their estimate of the net cost per person per week of each of the component elements of the Youth Opportunities Programme, after taking into account savings in social security and other benefits.

The Earl of GOWRIE

The following table details the Manpower Services Commission's estimate of the net cost per person per week of each of the component elements of the Youth Opportunities Programme, after taking account of the benefits participants would otherwise have claimed, and other tax and national insurance effects.

Youth Opportunities Programme Estimated net costs of schemes/courses at 1979 estimated prices
Scheme type £s per week per filled place
Work Experience on Employers' Premises 14
Project Based Work Experience 23
Training Workshop 33
Community Service 22
All work experience schemes—weighted average 17
Employment Induction Courses 45
Short Training Courses 51
Remedial and Preparatory 80
All work preparation courses—weighted average 61
All YOP—weighted average 21

Costs are those for the second half of 1979–80, and exclude MSC overheads.