§ Mr. Richard Wainwrightasked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the current number of people registered as unemployed in South Kirklees; and how that number compares with the figures for the same period in 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979.
§ Mr. Jim LesterFollowing is the information for the Huddersfield employment office area which covers the southern part of the Kirklees metropolitan district.
Jun-76 3,529 Jun-77 3,411 Jun-78 3,585 Jun-79 3,872 June 1980* 6,043 * The June 1980 figure is not strictly comparable with those for earlier years because of the introduction, in September 1979, of fortnightly attendance and payment of benefit. Estimates are not available for local areas but for the country as a whole the monthly unemployment figures are about 20,000 or 1½ per cent. higher than under weekly attendance.