HC Deb 11 February 1980 vol 978 c459W
Mr. Frank R. White

asked the Minister of Transport what aid and under which headings it has been received from the European Community in each year

(a) ERDF FUND COMMITMENT Roads and Transport (England)
Year North North West Yorkshire and Humberside East Midland South West Total
1975 1.432 0.157 0.224 0.007 0.045 1.865
1976 1.976 1.706 0.164 0.021 3.867
1977 2.019 0.617 0.152 2.788
1978 4.043 3.292 0.063 7.398
1979 4.717 3.022 2.328 0.119 10.186
Totals 14.187 8.794 2.931 0.007 0.185 26.104
Grant payments are made as the projects progress. Figures are not available on a regional basis but the total figures for English assisted areas are:
(b) PAYMENTS RECEIVED Roads and Transport (England)
Pre 1976–77 Nil
1976–77 3.6
1977–78 3.6
1978–79 2.5
Total 9.7

During 1978–79, the Transport and Road Research Laboratory received a grant of £37,544 from the European Coal and Steel Community towards a project of research into the measurement and interpretation of dynamic load on bridges.

Aid towards transport projects in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland is the responsibility of the respective Secretaries of State.