HC Deb 08 February 1980 vol 978 c375W
Dr. Edmund Marshall

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what changes, if any, have been made to the membership of the Parliamentary Boundary Commission for England since 14 June 1979.

Mr. Whitelaw

The terms of appointment of the deputy chairman and members of the Parliamentary Boundary

1 2 3 4 5
Year Cases not referred to Director of Public Prosecutions Cases referred to Director of Public Prosecutions Total of cols. 2 and 3 Percentage of col. 4 represented by col. 2
1970 391 2,215 2,606 15.0
1971 423 1,857 2,280 18.6
1972 351 2,829 3,180 11.0
1973 387 2,948 3,335 11.6
1974 440 2,846 3,286 13.4
1975 554 3,362 3,916 14.2
1976 558 3,883 4,441 12.6
1977 592 3,999 4,591 12.9
1978 640 4,802 5,442 11.8
*1 A complaints case may contain a number of individual matters of complaint.
2 For the years 1970–77 the figures relate to such of the complaints cases received in the year as had been investigated by the end of the year. For 1978 the figures relate to complaints cases completed during the year whether received in that year or carried over from previous years.

The Police Complaints Board came into operation on 1 June 1977 and only complaints relating to police officers' conduct on or after that date had to be referred to the board.