HC Deb 06 August 1980 vol 990 c127W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the present cost to public funds of the existence of the Construction Industry Training Board's Bircham Newton training centre and civil engineering college; how many people are at present undergoing training there; and what is the capacity for training places at the establishment.

Mr. Jim Lester

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that the costs of running the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) Bircham Newton training centre and civil engineering college are met from industry-derived funds amounting to some £4.91 million in the current financial year. The Manpower Services Commission, however, makes a contribution towards the costs of development work carried out by staff at the centre; in the current financial year this contribution is £177,000. In addition, the commission contributes to the provision of training courses at the civil engineering college partly to make good shortfalls in industry recruitment during periods of recession; for pilot schemes; and to support the high cost intensive form of training provided. The sum of £ 315,000 has been made available to the CITB for this purpose in the current financial year. There are currently no trainees at the centre and college as the establishment is closed down for August, but the number of trainees due to begin in September this year is 417 and the number of residential training places available is 512.

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