HC Deb 14 April 1980 vol 982 cc482-3W
Mr. Hooley

asked the Secretary of State for Energy whether Her Majesty's Government have taken steps to protect deliveries of uranium from the Rossing mine in Namibia from seizure during transit.

Mr. Norman Lamont

The owners of the uranium take precautions appropriate to the protection of this valuable cargo in transit. This is in accordance with IAEA recommendations on the physical protection of nuclear materials, and no additional measures are taken by Her Majesty's Government.

Mr. Hooky

asked the Secretary of State for Energy what steps the Government have taken to seek alternative supplies of uranium to replace those now being obtained from the Rossing mine in Namibia.

Mr. Norman Lamont

In the longer term the policy of the United Kingdom generating board is to diversify sources of supply. I am satisfied with the measure of protection which the uranium stocks held by the boards provide against the failure of any particular source in the shorter term.

Mr. Hooley

asked the Secretary of State for Energy whether the Government have indemnified British Nuclear Fuels Ltd., against any claims for compensation which may be made by an independent Government of Namibia in respect of the uranium acquired from the Rossing mine in Namibia during the course of South Africa's illegal occupation, bearing in mind the opinion of the International Court of Justice of June 1971 and the terms of Security Council resolution 301 in October 1971.

Mr. Norman Lamont
