HC Deb 06 November 1979 vol 973 cc107-8W
Mr. Alexander

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer why, on 28 September 1979, a tax demand was delivered to the home of Group Captain H. Hanmer of Westorpe Hall, Southwell, Nottinghamshire by a lady who came in a taxi; how many visits by taxi to deliver tax demands have been made by Her Majesty's inspectors or collectors of taxes in (a) Nottinghamshire and (b) the rest of the United Kingdom in the last financial year; and what was the total cost of (a) and (b).

Mr. Peter Rees

Where a taxpayer has failed to respond to the normal sequence of demands and reminders issued by post, the collector of taxes may seek to make person contact with the taxpayer before initiating recovery action.

A call made for this purpose would normally—as on this occasion—be included with other proposed calls in the same area.

Collectors of taxes are under instructions to use the most efficient method of transport available having regard to the geographical spread of the calls and the nature of the area. In this instance a hired car was used and 17 calls were made over a country route of 89 miles.

No analysed statistics are kept of the numbers and cost of calls for specific purposes in particular areas.