HL Deb 22 March 1979 vol 399 c1404WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish the report of the survey into conditions at horse sales and auctions and state what action they propose to take.


Copies of the survey have already been placed in the Library of the House and have been sent to the principal interested organisations for their comments. Arrangements have been made for copies to be available generally on application to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The findings of the survey, while showing that there were no deficiencies in accommodation facilities, nor unsatisfactory practices at the great majority of places where horse and pony sales occur, indicate that there is a need for guidance on the conduct of such markets, sales and fairs. Ministers have therefore decided to introduce aCode of Practice to guide the operators of horse and pony sales. Many of the provisions of the code will accord with the recommendations made by the British Horse Society: others arise from the experience of the State Veterinary Service. Copies of the code in draft are being sent immediately to the principal organisations concerned inviting their comments. As soon as these have been considered, the code will be introduced. Ministry veterinary officers will be instructed to report regularly on the effect the code is having on the conduct of those sales which they attend.