HC Deb 27 July 1979 vol 971 c602W

Members (Part-time)

D. M. Gillespie, OBE (Chairman)—Joint managing director, Olivers (Barnstaple) Ltd.

A. Bennett JP—Chairman, South-West regional council; TUC member; Union of Construction and Allied Trades & Technicians; Secretary, Trade Union Side, Whitley Council, HM Dockyard, Devonport.

R. R. Cawthorne MBS, MRSH, M Inst M—Managing director and chief executive, North Devon Meat Ltd.; Managing director, Saxonox Management Services Ltd.; Managing director, Westwood Meat Supplies Ltd.; Director, North Devon Electronics Ltd.; Director, Two Rivers Securities Ltd; Director, West Layton Ltd.

M. L. F. Dwerryhouse—Regional director. Midland Bank Ltd.

G. D. K. Foale FCA—Partner, Bishop Fleming & Co., chartered accountants.

K. A. Gilbert—Managing director, Geevor Tin Mines Limited.

R. G. King—District secretary, Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers. Plymouth; Member, Plymouth district council.

R. G. Parkin, FIS, FCA, BA (Econ)—Finance director, Compair Construction and Mining Ltd.

I. R. Sutherland, BSc, MIMC—Managing director and chief executive, Falmouth Ship-repair Ltd.; Director, Falmouth Docks and Engineering Company Ltd.; Director, Falmouth Docks Oil Exploration Base Ltd.; Director, Falmouth Towage Ltd.