HC Deb 20 July 1979 vol 970 cc863-4W
Dr. Owen

asked the Secretary of State for Energy what is the percentage increase in the cost to the domestic consumer of electricity, gas, coal and paraffin expressed

Electricity Gas Coal andsmokeless fuels PremiumParaffin
Actual* 7.7 0.2 12.2 0.0
Real* -1.5 -8.3 +2.7 -8.5
*Periods are those used in the General index of retail prices from mid-January 1978 to mid-January 1979.
† Derived from data used in compiling the general index of retail prices.
Based on maximum controlled prices relevant to periods at 1 above in the " inner zone " (including Greater London) for small volume purchases for portable applances. Hydro carbon oil duty is included.

Increases announced so far this year by the Electricity Council and the British Gas Corporation in domestic tariffs, starting from June 1979, involve changes in the order of 8.6 per cent. for electricity—England and Wales—and 8 per cent. for gas—Great Britain.

Changes announced by the National Coal Board for house coal to merchants for resale to domestic consumers will involve increases of about 8 per cent. in July and a further 9 per cent. in November 1979. There could also be variations in merchants' charges.

The recently announced increase in coal prices is expected to lead to a second revision of domestic electricity prices later this year, but the size of the increase is not yet known.

Since retail price control over premium paraffin was revoked on 11 July 1979 the current average retail price is uncertain. Prices are expected to rise to about 40 per cent. to 50 per cent. above that of mid-January 1979, when wholesale price increases are fully passed through to consumers. Future prices of oil products will largely depend on the course of crude oil prices.

In view of the unknown further increases mentioned above it is not possible to make the retrospective post-war comparisons sought.

Dr. Owen

asked the Secretary of State for Energy when he intends to make a in actual and in real terms over the last year; what is the estimated increase from January 1979 to January 1980 for these fuels, respectively; and in which years since the war the percentage increase in any of the fuel, actual or real, has been greater.

Mr. Norman Lamont

Percentage increases over the last year of prices of fuels to domestic consumers are as follows:

statement about measures to protect the most vulnerable members of the community from increased fuel charges in this coming winter.

Mr. Norman Lamont

I have nothing to add to my reply to the hon. Members for Battersea, South (Mr. Dubs), Birmingham, Perry Barr (Mr. Rooker) and Woolwich, East (Mr. Cartwright) on Monday 9 July.