HC Deb 16 July 1979 vol 970 cc390-3W
Mr. Peter Bottomley

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list the names of voluntary organisations to which grants or loans are made by his Department, with the amounts for the latest period if such information is available.

Mr. Alexander Fletcher

Grants paid to voluntary organisations by my Departments in the year ended 31 March 1979 are shown below.

Grants paid to voluntary organisations under section 10 of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968
Revenue £
Scottish Council for Spastics 13,500
Disablement Income Group 600
Cross Roads Trust 5,000
Braille Press 600
Scottish National Federation for the Welfare of the Blind 250
Age Concern Scotland 30,749
St. Vincent's Centre for the Deaf 3,515
Samaritans 4,500
Area 5 Action Group 1,295
Scottish Association for Mental Health 7,500
Garvald Training Centre 4,660
Scottish Society for Autistic Children 1,168
Barony Housing Association 4,744
Talbot Association 10,823
Scottish Catholic Marriage Advisory Council 1,486
Scottish Marriage Guidance Council 17,252
Scottish Council for Single Parents 8,324
Gingerbread 2,250
YWCA 204
Scottish Women's Aid Federation 7,740
Community Service Volunteers 4,650
Voluntary Organisations Regional Advisory Group—Fife 2,818
Voluntary Organisations Regional Advisory Group—Lothian 923
St. Euphrasia's 62,081
Glasgow Volunteer Bureau 6,909
Scottish Council for Single Homeless 3,240
Scottish Association of Citizen's Advice Bureau 1,860
Scottish Council of Social Service 275,384
Local Councils of Social Service 79,424
Scottish Pre-School Playgroups Association 32,737
Scottish Association of Voluntary Child Care Organisations 8,478
Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 49,531
International Year of the Child 2,500
Guild of Service 1,737
Iona Community 3,276
Adventure Sailing Trust 3,600
Canongate Youth Project 14,448
Scottish Association of Boys Clubs 23,219
Six Circle Group 7,069
Pilton Youth Programme 9,935
Seal Association 862
Grampian Allelon Association 3,264
Edinburgh Cyrenians 2,421
Scottish Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders 47,516
Catholic Child Care Office 8,379
Church of Scotland Committee on Social Service 6,560
Aberdeen Association of Social Service 4 854
Northern Counties Institution for the Blind 761
Quarriers Homes 4,195
The Salvation Army 1,624
Edinburgh Cripple Aid Society 2,283
Dr. Barnardo's 17,065
Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 18,932
Glasgow and West of Scotland Society for the Deaf 1,685
Tayside, Highlands and Islands Association for the Deaf 1,068
Edinburgh and East of Scotland Society for the Deaf 6,485
Church of Scotland 8,036
Catholic Child Care Office 1,582
Scottish Pre-School Playgroups Association 688
Barony Housing Association 3,384
Brook Advisory Service 394
Capital Grants £
Area 5 Action Group 10,000
Garvald Training Centre 377
Dr. Barnardo's 4,958
Buchan Foundation Council 36,000
Scottish Marriage Guidance Council 397
Scottish Pre-School Playgroups Association 366
Scottish Council for Single Homeless 350
Craigmillar Festival Society 406
Local Councils of Social Service 2,084
Pilton Youth Programme 3,723
Gibshill Youth Project 2,850
Iona Community 1,008
Canongate Youth Project 900
Seal Association 630
Grants paid under section 75 of the Further Education (Scotland) Regulations 1959
Revenue £
Abernethy Outdoor Centre 480
An Comunn Gaidhealach 37,708
Army Cadet Force Association 2,715
Boys' Brigade 20,200
British Red Cross Society 2,280
Church of Scotland Committee on Parish Education 12,075
Community Service Volunteers 16,350
Conservation Corps 4,130
Co-operative Union 2,400
Crusaders' Union 450
Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme 10,200
Episcopal Church Youth Committee 1,390
Girls' Brigade 3,595
Girl Guides Association 7,500
Girls Nautical Training Corps 555
Iona Community 1,070
Loch Eil Outward Bound 13,355
Sabhal Mor Ostaig 7,930
Sea Cadet Corps 450
Scottish Amateur Music Association 1,530
Scottish Association of Boys' Clubs 37,950
Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs 14,470
Scottish Association of Youth Clubs 36,230
Scottish Chess Association 5,108
Scottish Community Education Centre 83,648
Scottish Council of Social Services 1,430
Scottish Girls Training Corps 10,480
Scottish Joint YM/YWCA Committee 120
Scottish National Camps Association 52,000
Scottish National Council of YMCAs 30,110
Scottish Pipe Band Association 6,766
Scottish Schoolboys Clubs 3,748
Scottish Standing Conference of VYOs 13,090
Scottish Women's Rural Institutes 21,083
Scottish Youth Hostels Association 3,525
Scripture Union 2,580
The Scout Association 17,250
West Highland School of Adventure 4,365
YWCA of Great Britain 21,830
YWCA of Scotland 1,310
Scottish Community Drama Association 20,000
Scottish Field Studies 3,330
Scottish Centre for the Tuition of the Disabled 1,340
*These are grants paid to organisations such as village hall committees and a separate list of these is not maintained. *385,000
Grants paid to voluntary organisations under section 64 of the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968
Revenue £
Scottish Catholic Advisory Council 294
Scottish Council for Alcoholism 25,000
Family Planning Association 6,550
Community Service Volunteers 7,418
Chest Heart & Stroke Association 1,142
Action on Smoking and Health 1,442
Scottish National Blood Transfusion Association 1,219
Scottish Council on Disability 18,283
Royal Sanitary Association 705
RSSPCC 'Battered Child' Unit 12,133
Arthritis & Rheumatism Council 4,987
Scottish Association for Mental Health 1,957
Age Concern 2,711
Scottish Pre-School Playgroups Association 4,669
Natural Family Planning Group 117
National Association Welfare of Children in Hospital 211
British Association of Immediate Care Schemes 250
One-to-One 2,000
Brook Advisory Service 540
Red Cross Cosmetic Camouflage Service 303
Grants paid to voluntary organisations
1. Under the Small Landholders (Scotland) Act 1911 Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society Ltd 58,500
2. Under the Agriculture (Scotland) Act 1948 Fox Destruction Clubs 14,000
3. Under the European Economic Community Regulations No. 100/76 Scottish Fisherman's Organisation Ltd 10,000
Aberdeen Fish Producers Organisation Ltd 5,460
Grants paid under section 13 of the Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977
Scottish Council for Single Homeless 8,800
Scottish Women's Aid 3,150
Grants paid unded section 5 of the Housing Financial Provisions (Scotland) Act 1978
Scottish Association of Citizen's Advice Bureaux 10,000

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