HL Deb 12 February 1979 vol 398 cc1088-9WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What proportion of vessels entering the recently established Channel safety scheme have reported hazardous cargoes, what cargoes they were, which flags the vessels concerned have flown, and whether any vessels thought to be carrying hazardous cargoes have refused to divulge the exact nature of their cargo.


The trials of a voluntary Anglo-French ship movement report system in the English Channel commenced on 1st January 1979. The following information on participation is available so far:

  1. (i) Vessels entering the Dover Strait traffic separation scheme: an average of 12 vessels daily are reporting.
  2. (ii) Vessels entering the traffic separation scheme off Casquets: an 1089 average of 10 vessels daily are reporting.

This represents some 60 per cent. of vessels that have been invited to report.

Reports are being received from loaded oil tankers and loaded gas and chemical carriers of 1600 gross registered tons and over. The vessels of 33 Flag States have participated during the first five weeks of the trials, more than 10 reports having been received from the following: United Kingdom, Liberia, USSR, France, Norway, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany and Panama.

No vessel has refused to divulge the nature of its cargo.