HC Deb 24 October 1978 vol 955 cc892-3W
Mr. Lawson

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will provide a table showing general Government expenditure on goods and services and in total in each financial year since 1973–74, including an estimate for 1978–79, both at current prices and as a percentage of gross national product at both factor cost and market prices.

Mr. Joel Barnett

The information is shown in the following table.

General Government expenditure on goods and services Total general Government expenditure†
Percentage of Gross Percentage at Gross
National Product National Product
At factor At market At factor At market
£ million cost cost £ million cost cost
1973–74 17,837 27 24 29,488 44½ 39½
1974–75 22,710 28½ 25½ 39,593 49½ 45
1975–76 29,203 30 26½ 50,041 51 46
1976–77 32,509 28½ 25½ 55,055 48½ 43
1977–78 34,823 27 24 58,958 46 40½
1978–79‡ 38,010 27 23½ 68,506 48 42
* Based on National Accounts figures.
† Including debt interest as defined in The Government's Expenditure Plans 1978–79 to 1981–82" (Cmnd. 7049).
‡ Forecast published in Financial Statement and Budget Report 1978–79.

Mr. Lawson

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish a table showing general Government expenditure as a percentage of gross domestic product (a) at factor cost and (b) at market prices, for each calendar year since 1970, plus an estimate for 1978, and also for each financial year since 1969–70, plus his estimate for 1978–79.

Mr. Joel Barnett

The information is shown in the table below.

General Government expenditureas a percentage of GDP
At factor At market
cost prices
Financial years:
1969–70 44½ 38
1970–71 45 38½
1971–72 441 38½
1972–73 44½ 39
1973–74 45½ 40
1974–75 50½ 45½
1975–76 51½ 46
1976–77 49 43½
1977–78 46 40½
1978–79‡ 48 42
Calendar years:
1970 44½ 38
1971 44½ 38
1972 44½ 39
1973 44 39
1974 49 44
1975 52 47
1976 49½ 44
1977 46½ 41
1978 48 42
* Based on National Accounts figures.
† Including debt interest as defined in "The Government's Expenditure Plans 1978–79 to 1981–82" (Cmnd. 7049).
‡ Forecast published in Financial Statement and Budget Report 1978–79.