HC Deb 27 November 1978 vol 959 cc22-3W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Trade how many breaches of the multi-fibre arrangement by the Mediterranean associates have occurred in the period since the current multi-fibre arrangement became effective.

Mr. Meacher:

Except in the case of Egypt there are no agreements under the multi-fibre arrangement as such with the Mediterranean suppliers. In December 1977 the EEC Council of Ministers agreed on the amount of imports that would be allocated for these suppliers. With most of the countries concerned these amounts, in a few cases at modified levels, have been embodied in voluntary restraint arrangements. In the case of the United Kingdom 55 restraint levels are involved. Imports in the first nine months of 1978 exceeded the relevant amounts in nine cases. In eight cases action was taken to stop further imports this year. Further imports in the ninth case have been small.