HC Deb 08 November 1978 vol 957 cc190-1W
Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the average net remuneration, practice expenses, and other items included in payments to general practitioners.

Mr. Moyle

The average net remuneration paid to practitioners for NHS general medical services in 1975–76, the latest year for which firm figures are available was £8,465 plus £153 for contraceptive services—these payments are dealt with separately. The average amount of practice expenses reimbursed directly in the same year was £2,512 and of practice expenses reimbursed indirectly through the various fees and allowances was £3,542.

Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what was the amount paid out by family practitioner committees for practitioners in 1977–78 for out-of-hours responsibilities and the average sum paid out to each practitioner; if this sum is included in the net remuneration target set by the review body: and if he will make a further statement about depputising services run for commercial profit.

Mr. Moyle

The amount paid by family practitioner committees—health boards in Scotland—in 1977–78 to general family practitioner committees—health boards in Sctland—in 1977–78 to general medical practitioners for out-of-hours responsibilities was £30.8 million—unaudited payments figure—an average of about £1,280 per practitioner. These payments consist partly of net pay and partly of reimbursement of practice expenses: the amounts of each element cannot be identified, but they are included in the intended average per practitioner figures recommended by the review body.

A new code of practice for deputising s services was introduced in April of this year, and I have no statement to make about these services at present.