HC Deb 07 November 1978 vol 957 cc103-4W
35. Mr. William Hamilton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will make a statement on nurses' pay.

Mr. Ennals

On 16th October I received a deputation from the Nurses and Midwives Whitley Council which claimed that the pay of nurses and midwives should be treated as a special case for the purposes of incomes policy. I pointed out to the deputation that the overriding need is to defeat inflation and reminded them that the White Paper "Winning the Battle Against Inflation" made clear that any claim to special treatment would have to be examined very critically. I undertook, however, to consider carefully with colleagues the arguments which had been put to me.

64. Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services, in the light of the salary increase campaign being organised for the nursing profession, called "Nurses Are Worth More", whether he will refer to the committee which investigated police pay this special case for settlement.

Mr. Ennals

I have received representations from the Nurses and Midwives Whitley Council, which I have undertaken to consider carefully with colleagues. Until that consideration has been completed it would be premature to comment on possible procedural questions.