HC Deb 23 May 1978 vol 950 c513W
Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many unemployed bakers there are in Glasgow at the latest available date; and what effort is being made, with what success, to match unemployed bakers in Glasgow with vacancies for bakers in Aberdeen.

Mr. Gregor MacKenzie

On 9th March 1978, the latest date for which figures are available, 34 bakers were registered as unemployed in the Glasgow travel-to-work area. The six vacancies for bakers in Aberdeen have been circulated to all job-centres

Health Board of Patients' Area of Domicile All discharges except obstetric, psychiatric and mental deficiency Admissions to psychiatric and mental deficiency units
1974 1975 1974 1975
Argyll and Clyde 11,236 10,686 396 353
Ayrshire and Arran 5,264 5,004 266 271
Borders 4,430 3,688 74 51
Dumfries and Galloway 1,365 1,788 11 9
Fife 7,217 7,249 77 62
Forth Valley 4,941 2,857 148 157
Greater Glasgow 4,318 4,123 560 582
Grampian 2,008 2,250 129 154
Highland 1,053 1,049 49 36
Lanarkshire 21,184 17,767 465 416
Lothian 606 906 91 81
Orkney 449 505 66 60
Shetland 468 502 64 70
Tayside 1,163 1,194 65 53
Western Isles 754 800 179 184
(1) The figures relate to all in-patients accommodated in hospitals in Scotland outwith the area of their domicile. No separate statistics are kept relating to patients admitted to hospitals in other areas because a particular medical facility is not locally available.
(2) Comparable statistics for maternity hospitals and for out-patients are not readily available.

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