HC Deb 22 May 1978 vol 950 cc384-5W
Mr. Bean

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services in the light of the recent decision of the Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham Area Health Authority to defy the budgetary allocations of the South-East Thames Regional Health Authority and to continue to overspend, in the belief that the regional health authority will fund the deficit, what steps he proposes to take in order to ensure that the authority of the regional health authority is not flouted and that the policy of the Resource Allocation Working Party is enacted.

Mr. Ennals

I have asked my officials to discuss the matter with the officers of the South-East Thames Regional Health Authority and of Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham Area Health Authority (Teaching) with a view to informing me of the facts of the case. I have written to the chairman of the regional health authority urging on him the need to resolve quickly any differences between the regional health authority and the area health authority over allocations, and I have invited the chairmen of the two authorities to discuss the matter with me at an early date. I have also reiterated that once an allocation has been finally made by an RHA, after full discussion with its areas, this must be accepted by the AHA concerned and its services must be adjusted accordingly.

England Trent Region Percentage of National Average
£ £
1977–78 Revenue 83.34 71.75 86
Capital 6.33 9.55 151
Total 89.67 81.30 91
1978–79 Revenue 92.25 80.54 87
Capital 7.53 9.32 124
Total 99.78 89.86 90
(1) The figures used are the cash limits allocations to regional health authorities for 1977–78 and 1978–79 and the populations for 1976 and 1977 respectively.
(2) Figures of resident population have been used. In assessing the basic allocations, account is also taken of a number of demographic factors to determine the relative health care needs of each region; and, for revenue, adjustments are made to reflect the populations served.