HL Deb 22 March 1978 vol 389 cc1909-10WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they can confirm that during the last two months of 1977 there were tires at 13 factory farms resulting in the loss of a large number of animals; whether there are any safety or fire prevention conditions imposed on premises at such farms; and if so whether such conditions are adequate.


I regret that information about livestock losses in fires in intensive livestock units during 1977 is not available. Buildings housing intensive livestock units must comply with the statutory provision for structural fire precautions set out in the Building Regulations 1976. The Agriculture Departments already make it a condition of grant-aid for all livestock buildings that the standards of fire protection recommended in the livestock welfare codes are observed, and in future they will also for purposes of grant-aid require compliance with the standards of fire protection in the new BSI code of practice for farm buildings. We have no evidence that livestock in intensive units are unduly at risk from fires, but the Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Committee proposes to review the position in the near future and its findings will be considered by the Agriculture Ministers.