HC Deb 21 March 1978 vol 946 cc501-2W
Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he will now arrange a clinical trial of the prosthesis developed by Dr. Sorbye in Sweden to help children without fully formed arms.

Mr. Alfred Morris

My Department has carried out a preliminary evaluation of the artificial myoelectric hand developed in Sweden. The hand is designed for children under the age of five whose limb deficiency is below the elbow. It is not certain to suit all such children, and I am advised that much depends on the ability of the individual child, with professional help and parental support, to learn to use the hand and to persevere with it.

The device appears to be promising, however, and I have decided that it should be tried out in this country. The timing and extent of the trial will depend on obtaining supplies of the hand and of the associated components. It will depend also on training staff to carry out the fitting and maintenance of the hand and to give instruction in its use. My hon. Friend will be pleased to learn that all these requirements are being pursued with urgency by my Department.

It is important not to encourage expectations that may not be realised. The right course is to complete our trial of the prosthesis as quickly as possible in the hope that it will prove successful.