HC Deb 29 June 1978 vol 952 cc633-6W
Mr. Spearing

asked the Prime Minister if he will publish in the Official Report the text of any agreement, communique, memorandum, minute or note to which he assented at the EEC Heads of Government meetings in Copenhagen in April concerning the proposed EEC Foundation.

The Prime Minister

The text of the Presidency's conclusions at the April European Council concerning the European Foundation, and the annexes to which they refer, are as follows:

European Foundation In pursuance of the decision of principle taken at the meeting of the European Council on 5th and 6th December 1977 the Heads of State and of Government laid down the scope and objectives of the Foundation and agreed on the framework for its structure and financing as contained in Annex E and F. The European Council decided that formal discussions on setting up the Foundation should be conducted as soon as possible. The seat of the Foundation will be Paris.


European Foundation


1. The Foundation will be set up by means of agreements concluded by the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council. In order that the Foundation may come into operation without delay, the Representatives will ensure that provisions which do not require action on the part of national parliaments enter into force immediately in accordance with procedures to be determined by the Representatives themselves.


2. The objective of the Foundation is to improve mutual understanding among the peoples of the Community, to promote a better understanding of the European cultural heritage in its rich diversity and oneness and to further a greater understanding of European integration.

3. The activities of the Foundation will he complementary to those of other institutions or organisations active in the same area at national, bilateral or international level, and to Community programmes. The Foundation will act as a catalyst for schemes undertaken, and at the same time will respect the autonomy of the existing institutions or organisations and take constant care to avoid duplication.

The Foundation's activities will in principle be indirect: it will guide and stimulate projects undertaken by the other institutions or organisations, if necessary by making a financial contribution.

The Foundation will also be able to take the initiative in starting new direct projects in line with its objectives.

4. The Foundation will develop the activities necessary to attain its objectives, as far as possible in a trans-national context, paying particular attention to young people.

To this end the Foundation will draw up its programme.


5. In order to carry out its task, the Foundation should have maximum independence, which should be guaranteed by its structure and its constituent act. As part of its administrative autonomy, it should have maximum flexibility, while ensuring the balanced administration of the resources made available to it.

6. The structures of the Foundation should be light and its administrative arrangements modest.

7. The Foundation's authorities will be the Board of the Foundation and the Executive Committee.

They will be assisted by a Secretary-General.

8. The members of the Board will be chosen from among high-level personalities on the basis of their competence and experience.

They will be appointed from among Community nationals in accordance with a procedure to be determined:

  1. (i) by the Council on a proposal from the Commission after consulting the Assembly,
  2. (ii) by the Member States,
  3. (iii) by co-option, in particular from among the heads of institutions or organisations active in the same areas.

They will be completely independent in the performance of their duties.

9. The Board will be responsible for managing the Foundation. It will have to take the main decisions and draw up programmes which will establish the order of priority for the Foundation's activities. It will meet at least twice a year. It will have to appoint from among its members its Chairman and the executive committee responsible for seeing that the programme is carried out. The Chairman will preside over the Board and the executive committee of the Foundation.

The Secretary-General will be responsible for directing the Foundation's day-to-day activities in accordance with the directives issued by the Board of the Foundation and the executive committee. He will be appointed by the Board.

10. The Foundation's constituent act will have to lay down the number of Board and executive committee members and their term of office.

The seat of the Foundation will be Paris.


11. An adequate initial endowment will be provided to the Foundation from the Community budget so as to permit the Foundation to pursue its activities in conformity with the objectives set out in the constituent act over a reasonable period of years. Additional endowments may be envisaged at a later stage.

The Foundation could also receive voluntary contributions of public and private origin.

12. In order to encourage private contributions, a clause in the constituent act could provide that each Member State will grant private contributions to the Foundation treatment as regards national taxes which is at least as favourable as that afforded comparable organisations and foundations.

13. Whatever the nature of the constituent act, the Foundation's financial management must be subject to an audit.


Declaration Without prejudice to its independence, the European Foundation will collaborate as is appropriate with the European Cultural Foundation in Amsterdam and other similar institutions whose activities are parallel or converging with its objectives. Appropriate collaboration will also be establshed between the European Foundation and the Council of Europe.