HC Deb 28 June 1978 vol 952 c608W
Mr. Mike Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is his latest estimate of the annual cost of drugs prescribed (a) by general practitioners and (b) in hospitals; and what is his estimate for the same period of the proportion of prescription items for which a charge is pai dand the revenue from such charges.

Mr. Moyle

(a) In England the cost was about £512 million, excluding fees and allowances paid to pharmacists. About 36 per cent. of general practitioners prescriptions are chargeable; revenue in 1978–79 is estimated to be about £23 million.

(b) Estimates of expenditure on drugs in hospitals are not centrally available but the accounts of health authorities for 1976–77 record expenditure of nearly £87 million in the hospital and community health services in England. No charge for drugs is made to NHS inpatients. Charges to hospital out-patients in 1976–77 produced revenue of Just over £1 million.