HC Deb 13 June 1978 vol 951 cc520-5W
Mr. Wm. Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what are now the total numbers of United Kingdom civil servants in Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland civil servants; what were the numbers at 31st March 1972; and what is the percentage rise since then in each Department, in each grade and in total.

Mr. Dunn,

pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 12th June 1978], gave the following information:

Tables I and II show respectively the numbers of United Kingdom civil servants and Northern Ireland civil servants in Northern Ireland at the dates requested or the nearest convenient dates. I regret that it would not be possible to provide a breakdown by grade without incurring disproportionate time and cost.

It is not possible to make valid comparisons in some cases because of changes in departmental organisation and, in respect of the NICS, the reorganisation of local government which transferred some 8,000 people to the Civil Service.

1972* 1978 Percentage change
Department Non-Industrial Non-Industrial Industrial (Non-Industrial)
Ministry of Defence 1,513 1,036 2,783 -31.5
Inland Revenue 1,047 1,466 +40.0
Environment 147 202 512 +37.4
Trade and Industry 187 41 -78.1
Customs and Excise 501 667 -33.1
HMSO 43 41 26 -4.7
DHSS 30 36 -5.0
MAFF 21 19 1 -9.5
NIO 70 12
Others 17 22 8 +29.4
TOTALS 3,506 3,600 3,342 +2.7
* The 1972 figures for industrials are not available.

Staff in post Percentage
Department 1972 1978 +or-
Agriculture 6,356 6,611 +4.01
Cabinet Offices 105
Central Secretariat 62
Commerce 596 718 +20.47
Commissioner for Complaints 32 18 -43.75
Civil Service 715
Development 603
Education 543 627 +15.47
Environment 9,802
Exchequer and Audit 39 54 +38.46
Finance 3,468 3,013 -13.12
Health and Social Services 5,079 5,396 +6.24
Manpower Services 2,191
Northern Ireland Office 697 1,171 +68.00
Office of the Northern Ireland Assembly 52 12 +76.92
Parliamentary Commissioner's Office 4 3 -25.00
Police Authority 757 1,851 +144.51
TOTAL 18,331 32,244 +75.90

Mr. Wm. Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list in the Official Report the number of civil servants in the Northern Ireland Civil Service, the total numbers of Northern Ireland civil servants in each Department and the numbers of each grade in each Department.

Mr. Dunn,

pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 12th June 1978], gave the following information:

The total number of Northern Ireland civil servants and the total number in each Department is set out in table 1. The total number in each grade in each Department in the general service grades is set out in table 2. In addition to the general service grades, there are 9,802 industrial staff and 10,924 other staff—for example, professional, technical and scientific, etc. staff. I regret that in view of the multiplicity of disciplines involved—over 100—it would not be possible to provide a breakdown by grade for such staff without incurring disproportionate time and cost.

Department Total number of staff by Department at April 1978
Agriculture 6,611
Commerce 718
Civil Service 777
Education 627
Environment 9,802
Exchequer and Audit 54
Finance 3,013
Health and Social Services 5,396
Manpower Services 2,191
Northern Ireland Office 1,171
Office of the Northern Ireland Assembly 12
Parliamentary Commissioner and Commissioner for Complaints 21
Police Authority 1,851
Grand Totals 32,244

Department Perm. Sec. Deputy Sec. Senior Asst. Sec. Asst. Sec. Senior Prin. Prin. Deputy Prin. Staff Officer Admin. Trainee EO I EO II Clerk Clerical Asst. Total
Agriculture 1 1 5 6 19 37 63 1 95 146 473 402 1,249
Commerce 1 2 1 11 3 31 44 47 1 47 47 81 62 378
Civil Service 2* 1 2 8 19 29 48 31 34 73 45 292
Education 1 1 1 8 1 27 35 50 1 64 81 146 55 471
Environment 1 4 2 10 4 41 88 121 1 131 181 528 332 1,444
Exchequer and Audit* 1 7 2 10
Finance 1 2 1 6 2 19 33 56 2 69 153 435 302 1,081
Health and Social Services 1 1 3 12 4 33 105 163 2 294 615 2,183 880 4,296
Manpower Services 1 1 1 8 2 18 44 75 123 202 425 178 1,078
Northern Ireland Office 1 3 1 7 3 21 34 51 62 105 139 158 585
Office of the Northern Ireland Assembly 1 1 1 1 4
Parliamentary Commissioner and Commissioner for Complaints 1 1 3 2 6 1 2 2 18
Police Authority 1 2 1 4 9 17 26 38 158 356 612
Total 10 16 19 79 20 235 460 697 8 945 1,605 4,651 2,773 11,518
*Includes the Head of the NICS

Mr. Wm. Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list in the Official Report the total number of (a) registered and (b) unregistered physically disabled persons who are employed in the Northern Ireland Civil Service, stating the number of each category in each Department and listing the grades held by the disabled in each Department.

Mr. Dunn,

pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 12th June 1978], gave the following information:

Department Total number of registered disabled Total number previously registered Total
Agriculture 101 35 136
Commerce 13 13
Education 7 7 14
Environment 171 43 214
Exchequer and Audit 1 1 2
Finance 73 14 87
DOCS 4 2 6
Health and Social Services 106 31 137
Manpower Services 57 57
Northern Ireland Office 18 3 21
Police Authority 14 1 15
Northern Ireland Assembly 1 1
TOTALS 566 137 703

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