HC Deb 20 July 1978 vol 954 cc345-6W
Mr. Tim Smith

asked the Secretary of State for Trade in which categories of knitwear Greece, India, Pakistan and Taiwan had, at the latest available date, exceeded their respective quotas under the Multi-Fibre Arrangement for the whole of 1978; and by how much the quotas were exceeded in each case.

Mr. Dell

In the first five months of 1978, imports of knitted shirts from Greece exceeded the level to which representatives of the Greek industry had assured the EEC Commission that exports would be limited by 1,226,000 pieces. The Commission imposed quantitative restrictions on imports of knitted shirts from Greece as from 7th July. There are quotas for imports of many knitted items from India, Pakistan and Taiwan, and in all cases import licences issued by the United Kingdom are within the 1978 quota levels. But there may be discrepancies between the 1978 import statistics and quota levels for various reasons, such as additional imports licensed only for re-export, or shipments arriving this year but shipped in 1977 and therefore not counting against the 1978 quota.