HC Deb 05 July 1978 vol 953 c199W
47. Mr. Goodhart

asked the Secretary of State for Transport whether he will make a statement about the road safety conference over which he presided at Church House.

Mr.William Rodgers

The Roads to Safety Conference held at Church House on 13th and 14th June was attended by some 350 people representing more than 150 organisations, including central and local government, trade unions, trade and industry, voluntary and consumer organisations, the police and the professions. Members of both Houses of Parliament also attended. The conference heard contributions from distinguished speakers on general aspects of road safety and then discussed four subjects in working groups on road safety education, training and publicity; road safety and the law; engineering for safety; and alcohol and accidents.

The conference as a whole revealed a widespread concern to improve road safety, and the working groups identified many specific proposals to help to achieve this, which I shall carefully study. I will publish a report of the proceedings and I hope it will bring home to a much wider audience the need for a greater sense of care and responsibility of every road user to reduce the toll of death and injury on the road.