§ Mr. Banksasked the Minister for the Civil Service if he will list the numbers
CIVIL SERVICE MANPOWER Staff in post as at 1st March 1974 Staff in post as at 1st April 1978 Department Non-industrial Industrial Total Non-industrial Industrial Total Cabinet Office 599 — 599 650 — 650 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) 14,328 1,133 15,461 13,528 1,087 14,615 H.M. Treasury 997 — 997 1,056 — 1,056 H.M. Customs and Excise 24,932 — 24,932 28,777 — 28,777 Inland Revenue 69,659 33 69,692 85,147 28 85,175 Department for National Savings 13,435 132 13,567 10,807 110 11,027 Department of Education and Science (2) 3,858 83 3,941 3,661 88 3,749 Department of Employment (3) 32,080 1,577 33,657 51,602 2,067 53,669 Department of Energy 1,364 82 1,446 1,297 10 1,307 Department of the Environment (4) 42,034 27,480 69,514 30,086 23,414 53,669 Transport (7) — — — 13,786 761 14,547 Ordnance Survey 4,151 371 4,522 3,523 252 3,775 Foreign and Commonwealth 9,967 250 10,217 9,571 232 9,803 Ministry of Overseas Development 2,123 48 2,171 2,270 55 2,325 Home Office 24,858 3,652 28,510 29,413 3,781 33,194 Lord Chancellor and Courts, etc. 9,428 — 9,428 10,179 — 10,179 Land Registry 4,838 5 4,843 5,296 7 5,303 Civil Service Department 3,492 1,601 5,093 3,451 1.455 4,906 Central Office of Information 1,188 63 1,251 1,112 61 1,173 H.M. Stationery Office 3,142 4,037 7,179 3,206 3,658 6,864 Scottish Courts 9,052 755 9,807 9,854 999 10,845 Scottish Courts Administration 731 4 735 823 5 828 Health and Social Security 82,331 209 82,540 96,659 269 96,928 Population Censuses and Surveys 2,706 18 2,724 2,555 26 2,581 Department of Trade (5) 16,550 805 17,355 7,296 44 7,340 Department of Industry (5) — — — 8,776 684 9,460 Department of Prices and Consumer Protection (5) — — — — 341 341 Export Credit Guarantee 1,642 — 1,642 2,013 — 2,013 Welsh Office 1,091 2 1,093 2,338 153 2,491 Ministry of Defence (6) 128,535 139,231 267,766 122,235 128,122 250,357 All other Departments 5,548 829 6,377 5,943 1,148 7,091 Totals (rounded) 514,700 182,400 697,100 567,300 168,400 735,700 Notes:
Part-time staff are counted as half units throughout.
(1) Includes staff of the Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce.
(2) Includes staff of Victoria and Albert and Science Museums.
(3) Figures for 1st April 1978 includes staff of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, the Health and Safety Executive, and the Manpower Services Commission, the Training Services Division and Employment Services Division.
(4) Includes the staff of the Property Services Agency.
(5) These three Departments formed the Department of Trade and Industry at 1st March 1974.
(6) Includes staff of the Royal Ordnance Factories.
(7) The Department of Transport came into being on 8th November 1976.
170Wof civil servants currently employed in each of the ministerial Departments compared with the figures in February 1974.
§ Mr. Charles R. MorrisThe number of staff in post, by Department on 1st March 1974 and on 1st April 1978, the nearest available dates, is shown in the table below. Despite increasing workloads caused by changes in taxation and unemployment levels, decisions taken by the Government to contain the size and cost of the Civil Service have caused a reduction in Civil Service numbers of nearly 12,000 since April 1976.