§ Mr. MacFarquharasked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many civil servants in his Department have travelled first class by air on official business in each of the past three years; what was the cost of their tickets; and how much would have been saved if they had travelled economy class.
§ Mr. Dunn, pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 3rd July 1978], gave the following information:
The only civil servants normally entitled to travel first class by air are those graded under-secretary and above, and also those at assistant secretary level when making flights of at least four hours flying time without a break. Other civil servants are allowed to travel first class only if, for example, they have to accompany a more senior officer who is himself entitled to first-class travel. The information requested is as follows:
Number of Civil Servants travelling first class Cost of tickets Possible saving £ £ 1975 1 135 45 1976 Nil Nil Nil 1977 6 4,850 2,625