HC Deb 16 January 1978 vol 942 c23W
Mr. Peter Mills

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what steps he is taking to protect the Southwestern lamb producers in view of the action of the French Government over lamb imports; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Bishop

The Government have sent a memorandum to the EEC Commission asking that they take action under the EEC Treaty with a view to ending discrimination against United Kingdom lamb exports to France. Our producers continue to have the assurance provided by the guaranteed price in a

'000 tonnes (landed weight)
17th–29th September 30th September–31st October 1st November–1st December 2nd–29th December
United Kingdom catches (including transhipments) 12 16 25 15
Disposals for human consumption (including transhipments) 8 8 18 10
Disposals for fishmeal manufacture (including transhipments) 3 7 7 5

Figures for transhipments are not available on the above basis, but it is estimated that in the period 17th September to 29th December some 23,000 tonnes of mackerel were transhipped by United Kingdom fishing vessels, almost all for human consumption.

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