HC Deb 13 February 1978 vol 944 cc50-5W
Mr. Grylls

asked the Secretary of State for Industry if he will publish in the Official Report the current list of shareholdings of the National Enterprise Board at 31st January 1978, stating the name of the company, the total cost of acquisition of the shareholding, the total number of shares held, the percentage that such shares represent in the total equity of the company, the value of the National Enterprise Board shareholding at 31st January 1978, if a quoted company, details of any loans guaranteed by the National Enterprise Board to the company and the rate of interest on the loan and the date it is due for repayment, and details of any other loans to the company since the National Enterprise Board took a shareholding.

Mr. Les Huckfield

The information is as follows:

Company Type of Share Number held by NEB %held of nominal value of total equity Cost (£000) Stock Exchange quotation. (closing price 31 January 1978) where available
Agemaspark Ltd. £1 ordinary 3,700 30 100
£1 redeemable
preference 50,000 50
Aqualisa Products Ltd. £1 ordinary 4,000 40 4
£1 redeemable
preference 65,000 65
British Leyland Ltd. 50p ordinary 246,490,683 95.1 246,491 20p
British Tanners Products Ltd. £1 ordinary 500,000 50 500
Brown Boveri Kent Ltd. 25p ordinary 7,658,938 17.6 1,880 46p
Bull Motors (Ipswich) Ltd. £1 ordinary 500,000 100 500
The Cambridge Instruments Co., Ltd. £1 ordinary voting 87,684,255 46.3 1,770
10p ordinary voting 4,261,757
1p ordinary non-voting 50,000,000 500
RR Chapman (Sub-Sea Surveys) Ltd. £1 ordinary 50,000 47.2 50
Computer Analysts and Programmers (Holdings) Ltd. £1 ordinary 34,319 29.9 549
Data Recording Instrument Co., Ltd. £1 ordinary 3,130,337 57.7 3,137
Fairey Engineering Holding Ltd. £1 ordinary 18,000,000 100 18,000
Ferranti Ltd. 50p ordinary voting 4,000,000 50 6,000
50p ordinary
non-voting 2,666,666 2,667
Hemmings Plastics Ltd. £1 convertible
redeemable preference 100,000 100
Herbert Ltd. 25p ordinary 43,632,948 100 26,196
Hivent Ltd. £1 ordinary 7,000 25.9 14
£1 redeemable
preference 60,000 60
ICL Ltd. £1 ordinary 8,148,750 24.4 12,083 248p
Insac Data Systems Ltd. £1 ordinary 1,450,000 100 1,450
Irpor Ltd. £1 ordianry 40 40 0.04
Keland Electrics Ltd. £1 ordinary 100,000 100 100

Company Type of Share Number held by NEB % held of nominal value of total equity Cost (£000) Stock Exchange quotation. (Closing price 31 January 1978) where available
Mayflower Packaging Ltd. £1 voting Convertible
preference 60,000 33.3 60
£1 redeemable
The Mollart Engineering Co., Ltd. £1 ordinary 46,822 70.6 382
Newbury Laboratories £1 ordinary 4,000 40 343
North-East Audio Ltd. £1 ordinary 54,450 49.8 99
£1 preference 340,000 340
Packaging Methods Ltd. £1 ordinary 23,230 34.4 47
£1 redeemable
preference 100,000 100
Pitcraft Ltd. £1 ordinary 5,100 20.4 87
£1 ordinary
redeemable preference 400,000 400
Rolls-Royce Ltd. £1 ordinary 196,000,000 100 196,000
Sandiacre Electronics Ltd. £1 ordinary 30,000 30 40
£1 redeemable
preference 125,000 125
Francis Shaw and Co., Ltd. 20p preferred ordinary 1,400,000 546
Sinclair Radionics Ltd. £1 ordinary voting 75,000 73.3 650
£ preference voting 200,000
£1 redeemable
preference 1,200,000
Systems Designers International Ltd. £1 ordinary 3,060 27.5 184
Systems Programming Holding Ltd. £1 "V" voting 300 80 600
£1 "D" non-voting 600,000
Systems Ltd. £1 ordinary 762 26 504
£1 preference 476
Thwaites and Reed Ltd. £1 ordinary 240,000 91.1 240
Twinlock Ltd. 10p ordinary 7,123,000 33.3 997
United Medical Co., International Ltd. £1 ordinary 137,500 55 250

My right hon. Friend has approved the Board making loans of £26 million to Rolls-Royce Ltd., and of £150 million to British Leyland Ltd. since it acquired its shareholdings in these companies. Other loans and loan facilities made available by the Board to companies in which it has acquired shareholdings are a matter for the NEB.