HC Deb 15 December 1978 vol 960 c592W
Mr. Loveridge

asked the Secretary of State for Industry if he will list what provisions are available for the development areas which are not available to help the regeneration of the London dock areas.

Mr. Les Huckfield:

Whereas the provision of regional development grants, regional selective assistance and Government factories is statutorily confined to the assisted areas, the Inner Urban Areas Act 1978 enables local authorities in London's docklands to give financial assistance to commerce as well as industry. In addition, local authorities may build factories for industry which in the docklands may qualify for assistance from the Government's urban programme.

The European Regional Development Fund at present can contribute to the cost of projects in assisted areas only, although this limitation may be ended if the proposed non-quota section is available outside the assisted areas. The Government contracts preference schemes are available only in special development and development areas.

In the steering of mobile industrial projects, the Government give priority to the docklands and the other inner city partnership areas of London before the rest of the South-East but after the assisted areas.