HC Deb 13 December 1978 vol 960 c182W

Another exception to the occupational standards of the work permit scheme is the employment of resident domestic workers—other than in hotels —and nursing auxiliaries.

For 1978, a ceiling of 1,500 was set on work permits for resident domestic workers in private households, hospitals, schools and similar institutions, and for employment as nursing auxiliaries. Applications for such employment have since August 1977 only been accepted for nationals of countries in Europe, including Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Turkey and Yugoslavia, but not other Eastern European countries. The Select Committee on Race Relations and Immigration recommended that this quota should be reduced and a date given for its termination.

This year 157 work permits have been issued up to the end of November. I believe that there is a small but genuine need for these workers, particularly where they are required to care for children, the sick or the elderly, and have decided that a quota of 500 should apply for 1979 without any change in the conditions under which applications are considered.