HC Deb 02 August 1978 vol 955 cc448-9W
Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Prime Minister which Minister was responsible for setting up the committee to organise activities in connection with the International Year of the Child; who are the members of the committee; which national women's organisations were invited to take part and which have accepted; which other organisations are participating; how much money has been provided by Her Majesty's Government in connection with the International Year of the Child; and what activities will be sponsored and organised in support of the International Year of the Child.

Mr. Moyle

I have been asked to reply.

My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Social Services, on behalf of the Government, accepted the offer of the liaison group of non-governmental organisations, now constituted as the United Kingdom Association for the International Year of the Child 1979, to assume responsibility for the main direction of the national response to the Year. I understand that the executive committee of the association currently comprises

  • The Lady Soames, M.B.E. (Chairman)
  • Mrs. Y. Bowman, JP
  • Mr. R. Clough
  • Miss M. Coubrough
  • Mrs. Sarah Curtis
  • Dr. J. A. Dodge
  • Dr. G. J. Ebrahim
  • Miss E. Elliott
  • Col. D. S. F. Bult-Francis, OBE, CD
  • Miss R. Jenkins
  • Sir Bernard Ledwidge, KCMG
  • The Countess of Mar & Kellie, JP
  • Rev. C. A. M. Meldrum, MBE, TD, CD, BA, LLB.
  • Dr. M. Kellmer Pringle, CBE
  • Dr. R. Rapoport
  • Miss W. I. Rouse
  • Mr. T. Salamon
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  • Mrs. F. Sieghart
  • Dr. F. Spicer
  • Mr. A. R. Truman, OBE
and that a further eight members will be elected from persons nominated by non-Government organisations affiliated to the association.

The number of voluntary organisations affiliated to the association, amongst which are a number of national women's organisations, is, I understand, increasing daily and I will send my hon. Friend a copy of the current list as soon as it is available to me.

The Government, besides making accommodation and some facilities available free of charge for its secretariat, is contributing £100,000 over two years, to the work of the association. The Minister for Overseas Development has also agreed to contribute £150,000 over three years towards the administration costs of the International Year of the Child secretariat, established by UNICEF, and £40,000 towards the cost of a conference organised in London earlier this year as part of the preparatory activities for the Year to examine methods by which primary school age children in developing countries could be involved in improving the health of pre-school children.

The main responsibility for organising the United Kingdom response to the Year rests with the association but central Government Departments whose responsibilities bear on the interests of children are examining initiatives within existing policies that they might undertake in 1979 in connection with the year.

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