§ Mr. Mackintoshasked the Secretary of State for Scotland what conclusions he has reached on the proposals for a protection order for the Rivers Tweed and Eye under the Freshwater and Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1976.
§ Mr. MillanThe consultative committee appointed for the purpose under the Act has considered the proposals submitted to me in respect of the Rivers Tweed and Eye, together with a number of objections made to them. The committee considers that although the proposals include a substantial degree of access to freshwater fishings on the rivers, they would not without modification provide adequate access to enable it to recommend that a protection order should be made. The main points on which the committee has commented are the need for improvements with regard to access, particularly on Saturdays and Sundays, standardisation of charges at reasonable levels, rationalisation of booking arrangements, and extension of access to waters not included in the proposals submitted. My Department will now enter into consultation with the proposers and others to see whether modified proposals can be prepared in relation to these matters.
In the light of these consultations I will consider in due course the formal objections that have been lodged and, if these are not withdrawn, whether the proposals should be the subject of a public inquiry.