HC Deb 07 April 1978 vol 947 cc257-61W
Mr. Lawson

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish two tables showing index numbers of (a) industrial output and (b) manufacturing output at constant market prices in the United Kingdom, United States of

United Kingdom United States West Germany France Japan Italy
1973 100 100 100 100 100 100
1974 98 100 99 102 97 104
1975 93 91 93 95 87 95
1976 94 100 100 103 98 106
1977 96 106 103‡ 105‡ 103‡ 108§
United Kingdom—latest published estimates.
Other countries—OECD Main Economic Indicators.
* Index of Production for all industries excluding construction.
† Based on annual and quarterly data which represent only 78 per cent. of total industrial output, and for 1977 on monthly data which relate to 53 per cent. of industry.
‡ Average of eleven months January to November 1977.
§ Average of ten months January to October 1977.

United Kingdom United States West Germany France* Japan Italy
1973 100 100 100 100 100 100
1974 98 100 98 102 97 104
1975 92 89 92 94 86 94
1976 93 100 99 103 98 106
1977 94 105† 102† 105† 102† 109‡
United Kingdom—latest published estimate.
Other countries—OECD Industrial Production—Quarterly supplement to Main Economic Indicators 1977–4.
* Based on annual and quarterly data quarterly data which represent only 77 per cent. of manufacturing output, and for 1977 on monthly data which relate to 50 per cent. of manufacturing industry.
† Average on nine months January to September 1977.
‡ Average of eight months January to August 1977.

The hon. Member will appreciate that questions on other countries' performances raise issues on the compatibility and quality of data available through the various international organisations. I am asking the Central Statistical Office to write to the hon. Member to explain

America, West Germany, France, Japan and Italy, for each year 1973 to 1977, taking 1973 as 100 for each of the countries specified, and taking the 1977 figures as the average of those months for which figures are already available in each case.

Mr. Denzil Davies

, pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 5th April 1978; Vol. 947, c. 150], gave the following information:

The tables below show industrial output and manufacturing output at constant prices, re-scaled to 1973=100, for each of the countries specified in the question:

the technical problems associated with international comparisons of this sort and the limitations of such data as are readily available here in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Lawson

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish a table showing index numbers of output per head of occupied population at constant market prices in the United Kingdom, United States of America, West Germany, France, Japan and Italy, for each year from 1973 to 1977, taking 1973 as 100 for each of the countries specified, and taking the 1977 figure as the average of those months for which figures are already available in each case.

United Kingdom United States West Germany France Japan Italy
1973 100.0 100.0 100.0 10[...].0 100.0 100.0
1974 99.0 97.1 102.4 [...].0 99.4 101.9
1975 97.8 97.5 103.2 104.3 102.1 97.9
GDP—National Accounts of OECD countries 1976, Volume 1. Main aggregates.
Employment—Labour Force Statistics 1964–75.
* Gross domestic product (GDP) in purchasers' values at 1970 prices and 1970 exchange rates per head of total employment re-scaled to 1973=100.

Some later data—shown below—is available in quarterly publications, but can only be scaled to 1974=100 because compatible data for 1973 or earlier years

United Kingdom United States West Germany France Japan Italy
1974 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
1975 98.6 100.1 101.0 101.8 102.7 96.1
1976 102.3 103.0 107.7 107.2 108.2 100.7
1977 101.9† 104.4† 110.6‡ .. 111.7† ..
United Kingdom—latest published estimates.
Other countries—
OECD Main Economic Indicators.
OECD Labour Force Statistics, Quarterly Supplement, November 1977.
* Gross domestic product at constant market prices per head of total employmen for United Kingdom and Italy; gross national product for United States, West Germany and Japan.
† Average of first three quarters of 1977.
‡ Average of first two quarters of 1977.

Mr. Lawson

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish a table showing index numbers of manufacturing output per person employed in manufacturing, at constant market prices, in the United Kingdom, United States of America, West Germany, France, Japan and Italy, for each year from 1973 to 1977, taking 1973 as 100 for each of the countries specified, and taking the 1977

Mr. Denzil Davies

, pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 5th April 1978; Vol. 947, c. 149], gave the following answer:

Information comparing the United Kingdom figures with the countries listed for the period requested is not readily available. Such annual information as is available that can be re-scaled to 1973=100 is shown in the table below.

is not shown in these publications, and revisions to 1974 figures would imply that these cannot be directly linked to the data used to compile table 1.

figure as the average of those months for which figures are already available in each case.

Mr. Denzil Davies

, pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 5th April 1978; Vol. 947, c. 148], gave the following answer:

Information comparing the United Kingdom figures with the countries listed for the period requested is not readily available. Such annual information as is

United Kingdom United States West Germany France Japan Italy
1973 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
1974 97.7 100.1 99.6 101.7 98.0 100.8
1975 97.0 97.7 98.6 96.0 92.2 90.3
OECD Industrial Production—Quarterly supplement to Main Economic Indicators 1977–4.
OECD Labour Force Statistics 1964–75.
* Manufacturing output at constant prices per head of manufacturing employment.
† The employment definition used for the U.S.A to derive manufacturing output per head at constant prices covers only wage earners and salaried employees and excludes the self-employed.
‡ Based on annual data which represents only 77 per cent. of manufacturing output.

It is not possible to compile estimates of manufacturing output per head for countries other than the United Kingdom for periods since 1975 because compatible data on manufacturing employment are not available.

The latest available estimates for the United Kingdom re-scaled to 1973 are as follows:

1973 100.0
1974 98.4
1975 96.6
1976* 100.6
1977* 100.2
Source: Department of Employment Gazette. March 1978.
* Provisional.

The difference between such data for the United Kingdom as are available from OECD publications and data from the latest United Kingdom publications reflects the availability of later information.