The Earl of HARROWBYasked Her Majesty's Government:
What would be the amending effect (a) on policy; (b) on the tabular statement in the recent transport White Paper if civil aviation (passengers) and coastal shipping (freight) were included.
§ Baroness BIRKThe White Paper on Transport Policy (Cmnd. 6836) took into account the contribution of coastal shipping and domestic civil aviation to meeting transport needs, although its main concern was with inland surface transport. In particular, chapter 6 set out the Government's policies towards inter-urban passenger transport by rail, road and air, and these modes will be examined in the study of inter-urban public passenger transport referred to in paragraph 174. The figures of expenditure and use of resources in the Annex to the White Paper did not include figures for these modes because of difficulty of separating the costs of domestic and coastal journeys from those of international operations. Planned public expenditure on civil aviation and shipping remains as presented in Cmnd. 6721,The Government's Expenditure Plans.
House resumed.