HC Deb 17 November 1977 vol 939 cc344-5W
Mr. Andrew F. Bennett

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what programme his Department has for small grants to voluntary bodies working in the environmental field for the current financial year.

Mr. Freeson

The programme of grants is as follows. The figures are maximum amounts subject to the conditions of the grant being met.

British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (National Conservation Corps) 24,200
Community Service Volunteers (Environmental Programme) 6,800
National Trust (Acorn Camps) 6,800
Inter Action Trust (City Farms) 22,000
Civic Trust for the North-West 14,500
Civic Trust for the North-East 8,500
Yorkshire & Humberside Council for the Environment 5,000
National Council of Social Service (Environmental Liaison Officers) 16,000
Civic Trust (Practical Projects Programme) 10,200
Town and County Planning Association (Planning Aid Service) 3,750
Town and County Planning Association (Council for Urban Studies Centres) 2,500
Council for Environmental Education 5,700
Youth Environmental Action 850
Tree Council 6,750
National Gypsy Council 6,300
Association for Neighbourhood Councils 9,000

In addition to the above grant, the Tree Council has the services of an officer seconded from the Department to act as secretary, together with appropriate clerical support.

Voluntary bodies will also be among the recipients of grants for projects involving the conservation of ancient monuments, rescue excavations, and, on the advice of the Historic Buildings Council, for work in outstanding conservation areas and to outstanding historic buildings. In addition the following bodies associated with the Department have powers to assist voluntary organisations: the Countryside Commission, the Development Commission, the Nature Conservancy Council and the Sports Council.

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