HC Deb 31 March 1977 vol 929 c251W
Mr. Onslow

asked the Secretary of State for the Civil Service what were the wage costs of HMSO in each of the past six years.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

Her Majesty's Stationery Office wage costs in the current financial year are estimated to outturn at £30.3 million. Expenditure in each of the previous five years, after excluding the costs of staff transferred with their work to the Central Computer Agency in the Civil Service Department, was:

1975–76 27.1
1974–75 19.4
1973–74 15.9
1972–73 14.7
1971–72 13.3

Selective Employment Tax of £0.4 million in 1972–73 and £0.5 million in 1971–72 were additional costs.

New applications Entry clearances issued Outstanding appointments* New appointments Waiting period
India (Delhi and Bombay) 636 503 7,216 467 7½ months (Delhi)
14½ months (Bombay)
Pakistan 794 653 10,008 762 19 months (estimated)
Bangladesh 718 102 3,758 176 25 months (estimated)
* The figure for India is the number of applicants whose appointments are outstanding. The figures for Pakistan and Bangladesh are the numbers of outstanding appointments; more than one applicant may be involved in each appointment.

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