HC Deb 04 March 1977 vol 927 cc354-5W
Mr. Loyden

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will make a statement on the latest position affecting the "Globtik Venus".

Mr. Clinton Davis

The "Globtik Venus", owned by Globtik Tankers Limited, has been held up at Le Havre for some two weeks through an industrial dispute over pay affecting her former Filipino crew, who declined either to sail the ship or to leave her until the dispute was resolved. On 28th February the ship was transferred from the Bahamian to the United Kingdom register. During the night of lst-2nd March some 40 men repossessed the ship by force on behalf of the owners and displaced the former crew, who have been repatriated to the Philippines.

At a meeting which I held on 3rd March representatives of the International Transport Workers' Federation, the United Kingdom trade unions concerned and the General Council of British Shipping deplored this use of force and I share their view. I have drawn to the attention of the Attorney-General the facts surrounding the whole operation, and further action will be considered in the light of his views.

The trade unions have declined to agree to the provision of a United Kingdom crew to enable the ship to sail from Le Havre. I understand that they have met the owners to seek a solution to the dispute but that no agreement has yet been reached.

In view of concern which has been expressed that the tanker, in a partially unloaded condition and without a skilled crew, might become unsafe, I have sent two surveyors from my Department to Le Havre to consider, in co-operation with the French authorities, any question

Macaroni, spaghetti and similar products* Rice Wheat and meslin
Thousand metric tons £ million c.i.f. Thousand metric tons £ million c.i.f. Thousand metric tons £ million c.i.f.
1972 10 1 129 9 4,191 124
1973 10 2 142 19 3,779 169
1974 11 3 129 28 2,856 248
1975 11 3 138 26 3,626 297
1976 17 5 166 32 3,805 328
* Pasta, as such, is not shown in the trade statistics.

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