§ Mr. Michael Lathamasked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will list by name the publications, studies and films produced by the National Building Agency in 1976–77 which were funded by the grant in aid from his Department.
§ Mr. FreesonGrant in aid in 1976–77 funded the following:
- Starter Homes
- Design and Build Bulletin
- Sheltered Housing
- Maintenance Procedure Manual for Housing Associations
- Housing Action Areas—Guide to Implementation
- Project Programme and Control—Guidance for Housing Associations
- Bibliography of Sheltered Housing
Studies and advisory work
- Analysis of the Cost of Small Schemes built by Housing Associations
- Design Criteria for Category 1 Housing
- Study on Accommodating the Elderly and the Handicapped in Rehabilitation Properties
- Designing to Prevent Rain Penetration in Areas of High Rainfall in Wales
- Maintenance Standards for Housing Associations
- Maintenance Procedures for Housing Associations
- Heating, Insulation and Prevention of Condensation in Rehabilitation
- Study of Dwellings for 2-3 Person Households
- Cottages Report for Scottish Development Department
- Lightweight Housing Criteria for Method of Assessment and Testing
- Demonstration of Agency Services to Encourage Home Owners to improve their Homes
- Generic Improvement Plans
- Planning Portfolio Rehabilitation
- Assistance to Self-Build Housing Groups
- Seminars on Damp Treatment and Timber Preservation in Conversion Properties
112 - Study of Causes of Delays in Rehabilitation Programmes (England, Scotland and Wales)
- Condensation Advice Leaflets to Tenants
- Report on Housing Requirements for Single Person Accommodation
- Technical Support to SLASH Consortium, Scotland
- Report on Feasibility Studies, Conversion Potential, Glasgow Tenements
- Report on Improvement Potential and Cost for Motherwell District Council
- Housing Action Area Declaration Reports: Torfaen DC, Salford City Council (Bowker Street Area and Docks Ward Area) Merthyr Tydfil DC and a number of other authorities
- Miscellaneous reports and advice to local authorities and housing associations
Housing: A Plan for ActionWhat is a Housing Action AreaWhat is a Housing Action Area" (Hindi version)Housing Co-operatives
§ Mr. Michael Lathamasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what proportion, expressed both as a percentage and as a monetary figure, of the National Building Agency's grant in aid of £330,000 in 1976–77 went towards (a) the studies and publications listed by the Minister for Housing and Construction on 20th April, (b) capital expenditure requirements and (c) general expenses.
§ Mr. FreesonGrant in aid for 1976–77 was allocated as follows:
- (i) studies and publications, etc., for the housing association movement, £125,000 (37.9 per cent.).
- (ii) studies and publications, etc., relating to Housing Action Areas and Rehabilitation £65,000 (19.7 per cent.).
- (iii) other technical studies, and development of information services, £45,000 (13.6 per cent.).
- (iv) capital expenditure, £40,000 (12.1 per cent.).
- (v) general expenses, £55,000 (16"7 per cent.).
Final figures for the Agency's expenditure under these heads will not be available until the Agency's accounts for the year are finalised.
§ Mr. Michael Lathamasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what was the specific nature of the capital expenditure requirements of the National Building Agency which were grant aided by his Department in the last financial year; and why the Agency was unable to finance this expenditure either by commercial loans or through its own fee income.
§ Mr. FreesonThe capital expenditure financed by grant in aid in 1976–77 related to fixtures, fittings and office machinery required in connection with the expansion of the Agency's regional offices in 1975–76 and required in the various offices of the Agency in 1976–77. The level of grant in aid is determined having regard to the work to be carried out on behalf of central Government and the extent to which aid is necessary to enable the Agency to carry out its objects efficiently.
§ Mr. Michael Lathamasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the present relationship between the Housing Corporation and the National Building Agency; whether they still have the same chairman; and whether he has any proposals for further integration or otherwise.
§ Mr. FreesonThe intention that the Housing Corporation and the National Building Agency should work in close liaison was announced in the White Paper "Widening the Choice—The Next Steps in Housing" (Cmnd. 5280, April 1973). The National Building Agency continues to assist the voluntary housing movement on both a fee paid and grant-financed basis.
The chairmanship of the Agency is no longer held jointly with the chairmanship of the Housing Corporation. This does
Estimated cost £000s Purpose What they are replacing Gateshead 158 Local office several departments. Existing unsuitable accommodation. Immingham extension 97 Local office several departments. Existing unsuitable accommodation. Liverpool, Everton, District 100 Local office several departments. Existing unsuitable accommodation. Liverpool, Norris Green 120 Local office several departments. Existing unsuitable accommodation. Kirkby, St. Chads 60 Local office several departments. Existing unsuitable accommodation. Warrenpoint Dock, Northern Ireland. 82 Local office several departments. Existing unsuitable accommodation. Kensington, District Works Office. 145 District Works Office for PSA. Present site needed for V. & A. museum. Southend Computer Centre 2,800 Computer centre for Customs and Excise. Existing computers in Southend. Moorfoot, Sheffield 13,500 approx. New dispersal HQ for Manpower Services Commission. Existing London buildings.
§ Mr. Cormackasked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether, pursuant to his reply of 17th May to the hon. Member for Staffordshire South-West, he
114Wnot, however, signify that the Government propose a change in the relationship of these bodies.
§ Mr. Michael Lathamasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the intended grant in aid for the National Building Agency in 1977–78; and whether he will consider paying it on a fee basis for work done rather than allocating a specific lump sum each year.
§ Mr. FreesonThe grant in aid provision for 1977–78 is £390,000. A substantial amount of the grant will finance projects specifically carried out for the Government. Payment in the form of grant in aid for an agreed programme of work has administrative advantages.