HC Deb 28 July 1977 vol 936 cc488-9W
Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether it continues to be the policy of his Department that family income supplement is payable on the production of only five weekly payslips and that family income supplement can then be paid for 47 weeks following without regard to what the level of earnings may be during those subsequent 47 weeks.

Mr. Orme

Yes; in so far as income comprises earnings, Regulation 2(2) of the Family Income Supplements (General) Regulations 1971 so provides, with certain exceptions such as cases for which a longer assessment period is required to determine normal income. In addition, all other sources of income must be declared.

Under Section 6(3) of the Family Income Supplements Act 1970, benefit is payable for 52 weeks from the date of a successful claim.

£ million Per cent.
Current* 731.5 63.4
Capital† 50.5 4.4
General Medical Services 48.5 4.2
General Dental Services 36.0 3.1
Pharmaceutical Services§ 59.2 5.1
General Ophthalmic Services 7.9 0.7
TOTAL 1,154.3 100.0
* Includes expenditure of £34.1 million on Area and District Administration and £15.2 million on the London Ambulance Service.
†The expenditure of the 4 Thames Regional Health Authorities amounted to £32.7 million on Revenue and £71.1 million on Capital account. Of this only £15.2 million of revenue expenditure (see note *) is included in the table, as being specifically identifiable to the Greater London Council area. The balance of the revenue expenditure of the 4 Thames Regional Health Authorities includes Regional Administration, Blood Transfusion Service, Mass Radiography, Emergency Bed Services, Payment to Contractual Hospitals, etc. £30 million of the capital expenditure of these authorities has also been identified as relating to the Greater London Area and has been included in the table.
‡The figures quoted for Family Practitioner Services are net i.e. after deducting patients' charges.
§The gross cost of the Pharmaceutical Services was £63.4 million of which it is estimated £16.2 million relates to the supply of drugs etc. and £47.2 million relates to pharmacists fees and on-cost allowances. Patients' Charges are not similarly attributable.
¶These figures are provisional and include estimates for 2 authorities whose returns have not yet Teen validated.