HC Deb 26 July 1977 vol 936 cc120-1W
Mr. David Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what was the number of different questionnaires sent out by his Department and agencies responsible to it to companies and self-employed business people; and how many of each sort were sent out for the most recent year for which information is available.

Mr. Eric Deakins,

pursuant to his reply[Official Report18th July 1977; Vol. 935, c. 358],gave the following information

My Department sends out very few regular questionnaires to companies and self-employed business people. Interpreting "questionnaires" quite widely to include various forms and returns, the records of the survey control unit of the Central Statistical Office show the following:

  1. 1. Chemists Remuneration Inquiry 1973 and 1977. This inquiry covers about 200 chemist shops and it acts as a basis for chemists' remuneration.
  2. 2. Opticians' Remuneration Inquiry 1973. This inquiry covers about 100 establishments and it acts as a basis for opticians' remuneration.
  3. 3. Analysis of Appliance Orders Placed Through the National Health Service During October 1974. Forms were sent out to about 200 contractors. This information is obtained at approximately five-year intervals.
  4. 4. Voluntary Price Regulation Scheme—Annual Financial Return. The returns give detailed accounts of pharmaceutical companies in respect of National Health Service medicines. Under 100 returns are received each year.
  5. 5. 1974 Survey of Employers' Sick Pay Schemes. Questionnaires were sent out to 8,000 employers whose responses provided information in respect of 13,000 employees. There are no plans to repeat this survey.

I am unable to give details about questionnaires sent out by the National Health Service, as such information is not held by my Department.