HC Deb 25 July 1977 vol 936 cc43-8W
Mr. Carter-Jones

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if he will make a statement on the Government's intentions towards the recommendations of the Court Report following his consideration of the comments he has received from interested organisations;

(2) if he has anything to add to the replies to the hon. Member for Eccles on Friday 14th January 1977 and Monday 7th February 1977 concerning the recommendations of the Court Report, following his consultations with interested organisations.

Mr. Ennals

The great majority of comments have been received only during the last few weeks and have yet to be considered in detail. Replies are still awaited from a number of bodies which were specifically invited to comment. I hope to make an announcement about the Government's position in the autumn.

Mr. Carter-Jones

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services from what organisations he has received comments on the Court Report.

Mr. Moyle

Up to 22nd July my right hon. Friends the Secretaries of State for Wales and for Education and Science and I had received comments from the following organisations or groups:

  • Airedal District Community Health Council
  • Assistant Masters Association
  • Association for the Retarded in Wales
  • Association for the Welfare of Children in Hospital (Wales)
  • Association of British Adoption and Fostering Agencies
  • Association of British Paediatric Nurses
  • Association of Child Psychotherapists
  • Association of Education Committees
  • Association of Educational Psychologists
  • Association of Head Mistresses
  • Association of Nurse Administrators
  • Association of Nurse Administrators (Wales)
  • Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists
  • Association of Welsh Health Authorities
  • Avon Area Health Authority
  • Aylesbury Community Health Council
  • Barking Community Health Council
  • Barnsley Area Dental Advisory Committee
  • Basildon and Thurrock Community Health Council
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  • Bath Community Health Council
  • Beverley Community Health Council
  • Bexley Community Health Council
  • Birmingham Area Paediatric Advisory Group
  • Blackpool Community Health Council
  • Bolton Community Health Council
  • Brent and Harrow Family Practitioner Committee
  • Brighton Community Health Council
  • British Association for Counselling
  • British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry
  • British Association of Dental Auxiliaries
  • British Association of Early Childhood Education
  • British Association of Teachers of the Deaf
  • British Dental Association
  • British Dental Association (Wales)
  • British Dietetic Association
  • British Medical Association
  • British Medical Association (Wales)
  • British Paediatric Association
  • British Paedodontic Society
  • British Post-Graduate Medical Federation British Psychological Society
  • Bromley Area Health Authority
  • Bromley Community Health Council
  • Bromsgrove and Redditch Community Health Council
  • Bury Area Health Authority
  • Bury Community Health Council
  • Calderdale Area Dental Advisory Committee
  • Cambridge Community Health Council
  • Campaign for the Mentally Handicapped
  • (Wales)
  • Central Committee for Community Medicine (British Medical Association)
  • Central Derbyshire Community Health Council
  • Central Midwives' Board
  • Central Nottinghamshire Community Health Council
  • Chelmsford Community Health Council
  • Cheltenham Community Health Council
  • Cheshire Area Health Authority
  • Chester Health District
  • Chichester Community Health Council
  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Cleveland Area Health Authority
  • Cleveland Education Committee
  • Committee for Community Medical Services (British Medical Association, Wales) Committee for Hospital Medical Services (British Medical Association, Wales) Cooperative Party
  • Cornwall Community Health Council
  • Council for the Education and Training of Health Visitors
  • Coventry Area Review Committee
  • Coventry Community Health Council
  • Crewe Community Health Council
  • Croydon Area Nurses and Midwives' Committee
  • Cumbria County Council
  • Darlington Community Health Council
  • Dartford and Gravesham Community Health Council
  • Devon Area Health Authority
  • Dewsbury Community Health Council
  • Dr. Barnado's
  • Durham Area Health Authority
  • East Anglia Principal Educational Psychologists
  • East Anglian Regional Health Authority
  • 45
  • East Berkshire Community Health Council
  • East Birmingham Community Health Council
  • East Cumbria Community Health Council
  • East Hertfordshire Community Health Council
  • East Midlands Pre-School Advisers Association
  • East Roding District Health Care Planning Team East Somerset Community Health Council
  • East Sussex Area Health Authority
  • East Surrey Community Health Council
  • Eastbourne Community Health Council
  • Edgware and Hendon Community Health Council
  • Enfield Community Health Council
  • Exeter Community Health Council
  • Faculty of Community Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians
  • Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths
  • Gateshead Community Health Council
  • General Dental Council
  • General Medical Services Committee (British Medical Association, Wales)
  • General Nursing Council
  • Gloucester Community Health Council Greenwich and Bexley Area Nurses (Child Health)
  • Greenwich Community Health Council
  • Haringey Community Health Council
  • Haringey District Planning Team (Child Health)
  • Harrogate Community Health Council
  • Harrow Community Health Council
  • Hastings Community Health Council
  • Havering Community Health Council
  • Head Masters' Association
  • Health Education Council
  • Health Visitors' Association
  • Health Visitors' Association, Area Nurses (Child Health) Group
  • Hereford and Worcester Area Health Authority
  • Hereford and Worcester Area Senior Medical Officers
  • Hertfordshire Area Child and Family Psychiatric Services
  • Hillingdon Community Health Council
  • Hospital for Sick Children, Medical Executive and Nursing Committees
  • House of Commons Working Party on Dental Services
  • Huddersfield Community Health Council
  • Hull Community Health Council
  • Inner London Education Authority Area Nurses (Child Health)
  • Isle of Scilly Community Health Council
  • Joint Consultants Committee
  • Joint Council for the Education of Handicapped Children
  • Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust
  • Kent Area Health Authority
  • Kettering Community Health Council
  • Kingston, Richmond and Esher Community Health Council
  • Labour Party Southern Regional Office
  • Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark Area Health Authority
  • Leeds Central Community Health Council
  • Leeds Eastern Community Health Council
  • Leeds Western Community Health Council
  • Lewisham Community Health Council
  • Lincolnshire (North) Community Health Council
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  • London Borough of Croydon Education Committee
  • London Borough of Hillingdon
  • London Borough of Southwark
  • London Boroughs Association
  • Medical Women's Federation
  • Mersey Regional Health Authority
  • Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth Area Health Authority
  • Mid-Staffordshire Administrators of Community Health Services
  • MIND (National Association for Mental Health)
  • National Association for Mentally Handicapped Children
  • National Association for the Welfare of Children in Hospital
  • National Association of Area Dental Officers
  • National Association of Head Teachers
  • National Association of Maternal and Child Welfare
  • National Association of Schoolmasters and the Union of Women Teachers
  • National Association of Specialists in Community Medicine (Child Health)
  • National Association of Specialists in Community Medicine (Social Services)
  • National Childbirth Trust
  • National Children's Bureau
  • National Children's Homes
  • National Council of Social Service
  • National Deaf Children's Society
  • National Federation of Women's Institutes
  • National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
  • National Union of Teachers
  • Newcastle Community Health Council
  • Newham Community Health Council
  • North Birmingham Community Health Council
  • North Camden Community Health Council
  • North Derbyshire Community Health Council
  • North Devon Community Health Council
  • North-East Essex Community Health Council
  • North-East Thames Area Nurses (Child Health)
  • North Hammersmith and Acton Community Health Council
  • North Hertfordshire Health Visitors
  • North Nottingham Community Health Council
  • North Surrey Community Health Council
  • North Tyneside Community Health Council
  • North Warwickshire Community Health Council
  • North-West Hertfordsthire Community Health Council
  • North-West Surrey Community Health Council
  • North-West Thames Area Nurses (Child Care)
  • North-West Thames Health Education Officers
  • North-Western Area Nurses (Child Health)
  • North Yorkshire Area Nurses (Child Health)
  • Northallerton Community Health Council
  • Northampton Community Health Council
  • Northamptonshire Area Health Authority
  • Northern Group of Consultant Psychiatrists in Mental Handicap
  • Northern Region Area Nurses (Child Health)
  • Northern Region, Regional Committee for Community Medicine, (British Medical Association)
  • Northumberland County Council Education Committee
  • Norwich Community Health Council
  • Nottinghamshire Area Health Authority
  • Nursery Nurses Examination Board
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  • Oxfordshire Area Health Authority
  • Panel of Assessors for District Nurse Training
  • Patrick Doody Clinic, Health Visitors
  • Redbridge and Waltham Forest Area Health Authority
  • Regional Nursing Officers' Group
  • Residential Care Association
  • Rochdale Community Health Council
  • Rochdale Family Practitioner Committee
  • Roehampton Community Health Council
  • Roehampton District Management Team
  • Rotherham Community Health Council
  • Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children
  • Royal College of General Practitioners
  • Royal College of General Practitioners (Developmental Paediatrics Sub-Group)
  • Royal College of Midwives
  • Royal College of Midwives (Wales)
  • Royal College of Midwives (Wigan Branch)
  • Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • Ryal College of Pathologists
  • Royal College of Physicians
  • Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • Royal College of Psychiatrists (Wales)
  • Royal National Institute for the Blind
  • Rugby Community Health Council
  • St. Helen's and Knowsley Area Health Auothrity
  • Salisbury Community Health Council
  • Salop Community Health Council
  • Sandwell Community Health Council
  • Sheffield (Southern) Community Health Council
  • Society of Education Officers
  • Society of Family Practitioner Committees
  • South Bedfordshire Community Health Council
  • South Birmingham Community Health Council
  • South Camden Community Health Council
  • South-East Cumbria Community Health Council
  • South-East Thames Area Dental Officers
  • South-East Thames Area Nurses (Child Health)
  • South-East Thames Nursing and Midwifery Advsory Committee
  • South-East Thames Regional Health Authority
  • South Tees Community Health Council
  • South Tyneside Community Health Council
  • South-West Durham Community Health Council
  • South-West Hertfordshire Community Health Council
  • South-West Thames Regional Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Committee
  • Southampton Community Health Council
  • Southern District (Sefton Area) Community Health Council
  • Spastics Society
  • Staffordshire (North) Community Health Council
  • Standing Council of Representatives of Health Visitor Training Centres
  • Standing Dental Advisory Committee
  • Stockport Community Health Council
  • Surrey Area Health Authority
  • Sutton and West Merton Community Health Council
  • Torbay Community Health Council
  • Trent Area Nurses (Child Health)
  • Tunbridge Wells Community Health Council
  • University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Department of Family and Community Medicine
  • Voluntary Council for Handicapped Children
  • Walsall Community Health Council
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  • Warwickshire Area Health Authority
  • Warwickshire Area Nurses and Midwives Committee
  • Welsh Area Dental Officers
  • Welsh Council
  • Welsh Counties Committee
  • Welsh Dental Committee
  • Welsh National School of Medicine
  • Welsh Nursing and Midwifery Committee
  • Welsh Paediatric Society
  • Welsh Paedodontic Society
  • Wessex Regional Health Authority
  • West Berkshire Community Health Council
  • West Birmingham Community Health Council
  • West Birmingham Parent and Child Centre, Psychologists
  • West Dorset Community Health Council
  • West Midlands Area Nurses (Child Health)
  • West Roding Community Health Council
  • Weston Community Health Council
  • Wiltshire County Council Social Services Department
  • Winchester and Central Hampshire Community Health Council
  • Wirral (Northern) Community Health Council
  • Wolverhampton Community Health Council
  • Worcester Community Health Council
  • Worcester Health District
  • Worksop and Retford Community Health Council
  • Worthing Toy Library
  • York Community Health Council
  • Yorkshire Regional Health Authority