HC Deb 20 January 1977 vol 924 c279W
Mr. Brocklebank-Fowler

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if she will publish in the Official Report a table showing the number of O-level passes, including CSE grade 1, obtained by boys and girls in maintained schools in Norfolk expressed as a percentage of the eligible age group, during the year 1975–76 school year compared with the national figures for England and Wales in maintained schools over the same period.

Miss Margaret Jackson

Information is not collected in exactly the form requested but my Department does collect information of examination achievements from a one in 10 sample of school children at the point when they leave school. The sample is designed to produce national and regional figures only; in general due to sampling error figures for individual counties are unreliable.

Figures relating to GCE and CSE achievements by School Leavers from East Anglia and England and Wales for 1974–75 (the latest year available) are as follows:

East Anglia England and Wales
All School Leavers without 'A' level passes with:
(a) 5 or more 'O' level higher grade results* 2,060 58,970
(b)1–4 'O' level higher grade results* 6,240 176,090
(c) Leavers aged 15 and 16 years 19,320 548,270
Per cent. Per cent.
(a) as percentage of (c) 10.7 10.8
(b) as percentage of (c) 32.3 32.1
* GCE 'O' level grades A-C, CSE grade 1.